Wednesday, September 21, 2016

New You

Hey friends!

Sorry I've been MIA -- no excuses here. Just busy.

I've had a request to research New You, a great product that It Works makes. New  You is a "body revitalizing formula!"

First I'll tell you about my personal experience with New You, then I'll explain all the details.

So me:

I have been taking New You for about 3 months. I LOVE NEW YOU! I can't say it enough. I would say it and be a faithful customer even if I didn't sell It Works.

Let me tell you why:


I am an anxious person. Sometimes I find myself not able to sleep at night because my brain is wide awake and I can't slow it down. It's like I have adrenaline pumping through my veins at 11pm and my body is exhausted but my brain won't let it sleep. I would finally fall asleep naturally about 12:30 or 1:00am. Or I would end up taking a sleeping pill so I could get a good night sleep.

NEW YOU helps! Oh how it helps! Now I'm TIRED and FALLING ASLEEP at 10:30 or 11. Saturday night I was full on asleep at 10:30. That is so weird for me.

It's like it quiets my brain so my body can sleep. It's amazing.

((The funny thing is, after taking this and noticing the difference it makes in my anxiety, I started researching the ingredients and there are quite a few that help with anxiety! Win!)


Like I said above, I CAN SLEEP! New You helps you get better/deeper REM sleep. So when I sleep I'm resting better. My body operates perfectly on 6.5 to 7.5 hours of sleep a night. If I get more than that I can't sleep well the next day. If I get less than 6 I'm grumpy and frustrated all day.

So since I'm going to sleep earlier and sleeping deeper (and falling asleep faster after I wake up to use the bathroom at night), I'm waking up earlier and feeling great! I'm not dragging my body out of bed. I've gone running in the morning more often.

For me to run in the morning, I have to be back by 6:45. That's a huge deal for me to have in 3 - 5 miles before 7 am.


I have been working on gaining muscle and losing fat. I've always wanted some definition in my arms, and let's be honest. I want to see my abdominal muscles. I never really have and it's about time.

To do that, I've started to count macros. Counting macros is a whole other blog post (or blog!) in itself, but basically you focus on eating the right amount of proteins, carbs, and fats for your body. Then lift weights and while you may/will lose weight, it will ensure that the weight you lose is fat, not muscle.

Even though I'm not really wanting to lose weight, I have lost some. But I just want to focus on building muscle. And guess what?? New You helps build lean muscle!

I have had a handful of friends notice that I've more lean. I can tell I'm more lean. And it's a pretty good feeling.

I'm not perfect at counting macros. I have many many off days, but taking New You, and knowing that I'm putting something into my body to help myself build muscle is good motivation for me to do my part with eating and exercising.


And lastly, here's my last takaway from New You.

There was about 3 weeks where I was out of New You. I didn't think it would be a big deal and I forgot to add it to my order one month.

I was wrong. I was truly truly wrong.

You know how when you start something, sometimes it's so gradual that it's hard to know what a big difference it makes? But then you stop whatever you are doing and you realize how much it had helped?

Stopping taking New You was like a slap in the face. My anxiety rose and I couldn't sleep. I was more dependent on my Target brand sleeping pills and I didn't feel good. Even if I had a night where I didn't take a sleeping pill, I would wake up to use the bathroom and I couldn't go back to sleep. Some mornings I was just awake at 4:30 without being fully rested.

I was more dysfunctional. So now I'm making sure I get New You every month.

It's $50 a month as a loyal customer. Sometimes it feels like a high price to pay. But if it helps me get a good night sleep and feel less anxious, $50 a month is a steal!

Here's the more technical info!

New You is a "one of a kind" longevity formula. It is designed to naturally stimulate your human growth hormone. Human growth hormone is essential for your body's growth and development, but as you age, your body makes less and less (starts to decline after age 30). But with taking New You, your body will naturally start to produce your growth hormone, so you will see improved sleep and memory, enhanced exercise endurance, and increased muscle mass.

New You also has natural polyphenols that help improve blood supply to the muscles and help reduce the harmful effects of free radicals.

You take one caplet of New You in the morning and two caplets at night.

Niacin: Niacin is a form of Vitamin B3. Niacin is used for treating people with high cholesterol, circulation problems, migraines, Alzheimer and age related thinking skills, depression, alcohol dependence, and edema. Some people use it for ADHD, memory loss, arthritis, digestion, protecting against toxins and pollutants, reducing the effects of aging, lowering blood pressure, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation. Niacin may also help people with heart disease because of it's beneficial effects on clotting. Even being deficient in Niacin can cause skin irritation, diarrhea, and dementia. read more here.
Calcium and Phospherus (as dicalcium phosphate): Dicalcium phosphate is a ionic salt made up of calcium and phosphate. You need calcium and phosphate in your diet, and it's also an anti-caking agent that can help keep food fresh. source
Grape seed and apple fruit extracts (80% total polyphenols): Research has linked heterocyclic amines (HCAs) with cancer. Researchers from the University of Hong Kong and Rutgers University have tested extracts from apples and grape seeds (and other fruits) and found that apple and grape seed extracts can reduce the formation of HCAs by up to 70 percent! Read more here.
Tri-source Arginine (L-Arginine HCI, L-Arginine pyroglutamate, and L-Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate): L Arginine is a an amino acid. It relaxes blood vessels and has cardiovascular benefits. It may ease symptoms of angina, and boost the health of people with heart failure. Studies have shown L-Arginine may help ease migraines, improve blood pressure, lessen recovery after surgery, and speed up wound healing. read more here.
L-Lysine HCI: L Lysine HCI is an amino acid that can be taken by mouth to improve athletic performance. read here
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): MSM is a chemical found in plants, animal, humans, and it can be made in a labratory. It's used as a medicine. There's even a book written about it, "The Miracle of MSM." Find the book here. But there's a huge list that MSM is used to treat. I'm listing the link here because the list is so extensive.
Velvet Bean extract: Also called Cowhage, Velvet Bean extract is used to treat Parkinsons. Interesting, huh? It's also used to treat anxiety, arthritis, and to relive pain and fever among other things. Read more here.
L-Glutamine: Glutamine is an amino acid found naturally in our bodies. Glutamine is used to combat side effects of medical treatments, to help digestive systems, and depression, anxiety, and insomnia (among a huge list of other things). See here.
GABA (gamma-amino butryic acid): GABA is a chemical that is made in the brain. GABA is used to relieve anxiety, improve mood, reduce symptoms of PMS, treat ADHD, promote lean muscle growth, burn fat, stabilize blood pressure, and relieve pain. What a awesome list. I don't know anyone who doesn't need AT LEAST one of these issues addressed in their life/body! read more here.
Inositol: Inositol is a vitamin like substance found in plants and animals. It can also be made in a lab, but it is used for diabetic nerve pain, panic disorder, high cholesterol, insomnia, cancer, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimers, ADHD, autism, promoting hair growth, psoriasis, and treating side effects of taking lithium. It also can help with PCOS, high blood pressure, high triglycerites, and high levels of testosterone. Read more here.
L-Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate: This is an amino acid to help build proteins. It can be taken by mouth to help improve athletic performance. read more here
Ginger Root: Ginger is commonly used to treat stomach problems, rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual pains, respiratory problems, migraines, and diabetes. Ginger can be used to stimulate breast milk among other things. Read more here.
Gamma Oryzanol: This is made out of rice bran and other fruits and vegetables. It is used for high cholestoral, menstrual symptoms, and aging. Some people use it to increase testosterone and human growth hormone levels, as well as improving strength in resistance exercise training. It may also help reduct the amount of cholesterol absorbed. read more here.
Ferulic Acid: Ferulic Acid is a potent antioxidant. It protects against photo-aging and skin cancer. read more here
Vanadyl Sulfate: It is a mineral and often used as a medicine. It is used for treating diabetes, low blood sugar, high cholesterol, tuberculosis, syphillis, anemia, water retention, improving athletic ability, and preventing cancer. read more here.

microcrystalline cellulose: Microcrystalline cellulose is commonly used in the pharmacutical industry to be used as an anti-caking agent, It's generally regarded to be safe when used in normal quantities. source
croscarmellose sodium: croscarmellose sodium delivers drugs to a persons intestines. It's FDA approved it as an inactive ingredient in any pharmacutical. source
stearic acid: The FDA has affirmed that stearic acid is generally regarded as safe and can be added to foods in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices. Stearic acid is one of the most common long-chain fatty acids found in both animal and vegetable fats. Stearic acid is naturally present in many food in greater quantities than in supplements. Stearic acid is one of the main fats in cocoa butter. source.
magnesium stearate: Magnesium stearate is derived solely from palm oil. It is the magnesium salt of fatty acid and doesn't contain trans-fatty acids. Magnesium stearate is the combination of stearic acid and magnesium (an essential mineral). source.
silica: There's lots of information on silica. Silica is a mineral found in our bodies that help make our bones strong. There are supplements out there just to take Silica because most of our diet doesn't provide the adequate amount of silica. source. But if you look on the internet, there's a danger associated with inhaling silica. Like on a construction site, where there's sand, soil, concrete, masonry, etc and those items may be disturbed, moved, or cut, little particles of silica get in the air and when you get them in your lungs, it's not good. source But that's not how you are taking the silica in New You.

Well, if you made it this far, good job!

Any questions, let me know! I would be happy to help you start an order. It truly has been worth every penny I have spent on it!

Here's to a great day and a great night sleep!

Here's my website if you need more info or want to order!

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